to eliminate the possiblity of rust you can use a testing chemical called sodium thioglyolate. This can be found in a product from Alpha called RSR2000.  you place a drop on the stain and wait ten minutes of less. If the gel turns purple you have iron present.

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Roger Konarski <> wrote:
Thanks for your reply. This actually a request from a contractor, but I got input from the homeowner. The homeowner thought exactingly what you stated. However I  will only discuss what you stated below with the contractor. They build very expensive homes in the North Shore and don't want to burn that referral source.
Roger Konarski

From: John Freitag <>
Subject: RE: [sccpartners] Marble Shower Stain
To: "Restoration and Maintenance" <>
Date: Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 10:48 AM



I have review the attached picture and I’m not sure that the satin you are seeing is from rust.  This does not look like the normal rust stain we would see in this stone. I think the moisture is getting underneath the stone and entering the sub straight.  Is it possible the shower seat was framed out with wood. I would be fairly certain it was and the moisture is getting the wood wet and the wood is darkening and bleeding into the sub straight and transferring into the marble.


The fix? Depends upon the money the customer is willing to spend.

First explain to the customer what you feel the problem is, then offer to poultice the area guarantee nothing, you may remove the stain you may not , you may darken the stain, let the customer decide and be sure to disclose this in your estimate and proposal.  If the customer accepts then move forward with the poultice process. Be aware that it could take several attempts to remove this stain.


If the customer wants to get to the root the problem you may need to remove the tile to examine the sub straight, that is the only way to totally know what’s going on.


Should you have any additional question, please advise

John E. Freitag


The Stone and Tile School

Office 407-567-7652

Cell 407-615-0134







From: Roger Konarski []
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 12:15 AM
To: Restoration and Maintenance
Subject: [sccpartners] Marble Shower Stain



Would appreciate any feedback on this stain, see attached picture.  This stain is on the shower bench and their several of them.  Per the customer it didn’t not start showing up until they started using the steam in the shower. And they claim that it grows only when they use the steam. To me it does not look like a rust stain, any thoughts on removing and more importantly stopping the growth of the stain.



Roger Konarski

Frederick M. Hueston PhD
My New Radio Show
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