Hi All,
Bill Thornton, one of our guys has been working hard to develop GroutCleaning.com. He has put forth an opportunity to be listed (which is a very good thing) on the site and to contribute. If you includes tile and grout cleaning in your services, you should not let this opportunity go by.
Here is the message from Bill....
Hello this is Bill with groutcleaning.com.  We are giving away free memberships to WWW.GROUTCLEANING.COM.  Why? Well in this new economy it's time to share a good thing with all. Our site groutcleaning.com is nearing the #1 position on google. AND were getting leads all the time. We are looking for pros to contribute to our site and forum, and build rapport  with consumers. We want them to feel comfortable to come to our site looking for knowledgeable people to answer their questions.

We invite you to submit articles and photos of work you have done. This helps in building your google ranking. This will build confidence with the customer and if the customer is in your area they will look at you as the local pro.  We are giving away free membership and we are listing pros first come first serve.

What are we looking for out of this?  In the theory of web 2.0 it's all about giving back.  Rewards come to all that do good deeds.

We wish you all well and good luck in getting new leads.  Sign up today and be the #1 person in your area.

Bill Thornton