

Good comments, I will add some additional comments also.


I typically run my business based upon 22 working days per month. to me this means we schedule work all the time even during the seasonal times. I plan vacation time for my techs throughout the year.  Most of my tech prefer to choose their time off based upon their family members time off. If this can be done it’s a good time to give vacations. What I usually do id schedule commercial work form the 15th of December until the first week of January. This is great if you can do this. I actually give my commercial customers a better price if  they schedule during this time of the year. I don’t like not scheduling work anytime during the year. If has an effect on cash flow. If you are not during anything and everyone is on vacation you January could be difficult unless you have stocked piled money in the bank. If not you could face cash flow problems, especially operator that have smaller operations.


The end of the year is sometime when commercial properties have left over monies to spend and a small discount on you bid could secure business during the holiday season.


I do agree it’s a good time to do some  maintenance but I try to keep up the equipment throughout the year. However with the carpet cleaning equipment there is more maintenance than with the stone restoration equipment. It’s also a great time to do your budget planning for the upcoming year.  And build your relationships. This all depends upon the size of your business. if you are the owner and operator with a helper this is a good time to decide how many more years are you going to be the sales person and the technician. Face it none of us are getting any younger and this is a great time to decide how you are going to get off the truck  and as Brian stated work on your business not in your business.


Paul Bunis recent set a technician through training and just the other day he said he felt pretty good to have someone he could assign the job to and he could go out and sell, network and build his business. Watch Paul’s business grow next year as he develops his technician into a tech that can do all the jobs himself and Paul spends his time selling. It won’t be long before he is adding technicians to his staff and this all equals increased sales and profits for Paul


Good luck to all as we plan for the  upcoming year. If The Stone and Tile School can assist please call.



Regards to All



John E. Freitag


The Stone and Tile School

Office 407-567-7652

Cell 407-615-0134






From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 7:23 PM
To: Restoration and Maintenance
Subject: RE: [sccpartners] QUESTION


Typically in the cleaning and restoration business, clients prepare for the holidays. Once the holidays are there, it is time that kids are home from school, family are going on vacation. People are spending on gifts. It is also winter time where weather also plays a factor. These are times that crews should get vacation, equipment maintenance should be done and it is time to recharge you batteries. Take the time to work on your business rather then in your business. Catch up on your business readings. Work on your strategic as well as business plans. Work on your marketing plan. Bring gifts to the building managers and stores that refer business to you.
Cherish the fact that this little breather that you have give you the opportunity to do all the things I've outlined. Before you know it you will be looking forward to this time of the year.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: "Mike Marsoun" <>

Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 21:00:50 +0000

To: Restoration and Maintenance<>

ReplyTo: "Restoration and Maintenance" <>

Subject: RE: [sccpartners] QUESTION


I remember twice, when I sold my business, this time of the year and the phone was DEAD for this season. The new owners were very disturbed. But then Feb/March it all kicked back in. I have been in this a long time and learn to just enjoy the slow times, keep a low overhead to lessen the stress of slow times.

Sent via BlackBerry® from Telstra

From: Stone and Tile PROS <>

Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 12:30:25 -0400

To: Restoration and Maintenance<>

ReplyTo: "Restoration and Maintenance" <>

Subject: [sccpartners] QUESTION


Hi Partners,


One of our newest Partners has asked a question that I thought would be great to put out for all the Partners to comment on.


The question is regarding the seasonality of the stone and tile restoration business? Over the years, many of our Partners have stated that December through mid to late January is very slow. Has this been your experience? Please respond with your input. Include what region you are in and what your experience has been. For those of you outside the U.S. what has your experience been?



Deborah Shaw


Stone and Tile PROS, Inc.

(877) 715-5313 option 2

"A professional resource and support organization for quality stone and tile craftsmen and their customers."



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