Hello everyone,
We are very focused on driving business to our Partners.
We've just added a front page article to www.stonecarecentral.com pointing consumers to www.stoneandtilepros.com.  (Make sure your listing is ok if you haven't already.) We're working on getting placement on other sites.
We need articles, Q&A's, etc. for the Knowledge Base.
I am asking every one of the Partners to contribute something of value to the Knowledge Base (and to do so periodically). It will help in a number of ways...
  1. Your company will be given credit for it and a link back to your site will be included. (The only thing that will drive up your site ranking is quality links to your site, so the more you contribute the more links to you.)
  2. We're going to constantly work on driving traffic to the site, including sending out press releases and articles and adding to the places stoneandtilepros.com is linked to. Our goal is for people to bookmark it and tell other people about it. The best way to do that is to make it a valuable resource.
  3. The more pages, keywords, key phrases we have, the more important our site becomes and the less we have to rely on adwords alone for high placement.
Topics to consider...
--Fabricators. Address issues that educate and inform your customers. What would you like them to know? What should they know before selecting stone? What types of stones are good (or not good) for various environments/conditions? Why should they make a point of using only qualified fabricators? If you have the countertop design tool in your site, invite customers to try it out. Talk about the importance of seam placement. Talk about fissures vs. cracks. What should a customer do if they have had a bad experience with a fabricator (of course it wouldn't be any of our people!)
--Grout. Grout right now is very under-represented in the knowledge base. Present questions consumers commonly have and the answers. How to keep grout looking its best... What to do if grout becomes dirty or damaged.... what can a grout maintenance or restoration service provider do for them.... Address mildew issues that concern consumers.... suggest cleaning techniques.
--Maintenance and Restoration. Cleaning tips, preventive measures, how important it is for the homeowner with stone to use only qualified maintenance people that KNOW stone. (The number one call for help we get is when a homeowner or cleaning company used a product never intended for stone and damaged marble or other calcite based stone.). What can a restoration provider do for the consumer?
Please submit your contributions to: mail@stonecarecentral.com (subject: KB or Knowledge Base)
By the way, we're reorganizing the categories and cleaning articles as needed.
Stonecare Central Product PRO Comments
Please contribute your product evaluations on as many products as you can. As with the KB, your input will be posted and will include a link back to you. (Again, the more links to you, the better.)
Links and Publications
Re: stoneandtilepros.com Please submit your recommendations for regional, topical, etc. publications that we can submit articles and press releases to and websites we should be linked from (banner ads or just links).