What kind of staining is it?

On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 7:16 AM, <anthony@777-7797.com> wrote:

I recently restored a white marble statue.  I still need to remove the discoloration at the lower part of the statue.  I have tried to do a poultice test but because it is in the middle of a public area, every time I do a test, some curious passerby ends up removing it or it gets rained out.  I need to make sure I am using the right product, I will then proceed to do the poultice and barricade the whole statue by making a plywood box covering the entire statue.  But I really only have one chance to do so.


What product do you think I should use?


Is there a product I could spray on without poulticing .


Anthony Masecchia

Master Stone Consultant
Marble Maestro
T. 514.777.7797
F. 514.904.1815
E. anthony@777-7797.com

W. www.777-7797.com


Active President of BNI Westmount





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