
A Color Enhancer shouldn't cause a slippery issue to be worse.  There is a product available that will help with slip resistance and it is safe for stone, too.  I have heard of several.  One of the ones I know is Stonecare Central's Anti-Slip.  I trust and like SCC products because they are tested and proven by many of the people in our group and I trust their feedback wholeheartedly.  (Plus, all the other advantrages of being members of this group)

You can go to for the anti-slip http://www.stonecarecentral.com/SearchResults.asp?Search=slip&Search.x=0&Search.y=0

Also, they have the enhance and seal which is http://www.stonecarecentral.com/SearchResults.asp?Search=enhancer&Search.x=0&Search.y=0

The slate will most likely need to have an impregnating sealer application even after the enhance and seal because the enhance and seal is not a complete impregnation (it just gives it that 'wet' look without changing the sheen...Makes the colors darker and pop) and slate is very soft.  Make sure they don't have any topicals on the slate like wax...this too might be causing their slippery issues.  Any topicals should be completely removed before applying the enhancer.

Hope this helps.


On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 6:14 AM, <PBunis@aol.com> wrote:
I have a commercial site with slate. Customer wants color enhanced but very concerned about making this floor less slippery. Apparently there were some "issues" over the winter with slip and slide or slip and fall.
Paul Bunis
Xtremeclean Tile & Specialty Stone Care

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