Not much, grout has to be mixed extra properly.
If you open a bag of grout and look at its contents along with
the cement you will see little tiny colored clusters. That’s the powdered
dies they use. It’s not totally mixed so unless the installer mixes an
entire bag at a time, you cannot get a consistent color.
Now imagine applying grout for the first time on limestone
installation, it dries so fast there is almost no way they can pull a full bag
unless they have an assembly type of system where one guy applies , one guy
cleans and another follows. I have rarely seen this! Now imagine a larger
area, you are suppose to dry mix all the bags together as well. A
Most mix a small amount at a time. Also if the installer doesn’t
use the exact same amount of water, coloration will further be affected.
And when you clean up the grout residue during installation, you
should clean it using a consistent amount of water on the sponge as well as
keeping the water clean. What they are asking to do is never done
especially during a commercial job, so it’s almost normal to get shades
of whatever color they used.
Below is a few lines of what is written on a bag of grout
2.1 For best results,
have the same person mix all of the grout.
Consistent mixing and
cleaning techniques will promote
more uniform results.
2.2 Before mixing the
grout with water, dry-blend the product
to avoid color
variations in the finished grout, which may
arise from pigment
settling during shipment. If two or more
cartons or bags are to
be used, dry-blend all the contents
5.5 To prevent
discoloration and soft or powdery joints, avoid
with excessive water.
Anthony Masecchia
Master Stone Consultant
Marble Maestro
T. 514.777.7797
F. 514.904.1815
Active President of BNI Westmount
Marble.Maestro on facebook
Please take note of my new email
From: Roger Konarski []
Sent: July-20-09 11:14 PM
To: Restoration and Maintenance
Subject: [sccpartners] Honing Powders.
With a lot of limestone in homes or other honed
surfaces, we frequently use honing powders. No matter how thorough we are in
cleaning the grout lines, some always end up with some grout lighter or
different color from the rest of grout. Why is this? What can be done
to prevent or correct this problem? Thanks, RK |
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