A limestone floor was recently installed


It was presealed with an impregnator before installation, including the edges


After they grouted, the grout lines still left a film on the edges of the tiles causing what looks like a one inch frame.


They hired a cleaning company and they came with a hydrofluoric acid which now has also bleached the grout white


I have to go in tomorrow to remove both the whitening and the framing.


I wanted your experience on this?



Anthony Masecchia

Master Stone Consultant
Marble Maestro
T. 514.777.7797
F. 514.904.1815
E. antonio@777-7797.com

W. www.777-7797.com


Active MC of BNI Westmount



Marble.Maestro  on facebook


Please take note of my new email antonio@777-7797.com