I use Pl Premium from Lepage. And I place something very heavy to apply pressure during the bond.




Anthony Masecchia

Master Stone Consultant
Marble Maestro
T. 514.777.7797
F. 514.904.1815
E. antonio@777-7797.com

W. www.777-7797.com


Active MC of BNI Westmount



Marble.Maestro  on facebook


Please take note of my new email antonio@777-7797.com


From: Baird Standish [mailto:bairdstandish@gmail.com]
Sent: September-05-09 10:45 AM
To: Restoration and Maintenance
Subject: [sccpartners] How To Attach Velcro


Hi all,

I just received a velcro sheet to attach to a driver pad.  I am attaching it to the metal driver pad on my 13" Hawk machine.  The velcro does not have any self stick stuff on the back.  In the past I have typically used gorilla glue or something like it with velcro strips (in addition to the self stick), but I've had some real problems with the stuff bubbling up over the curing time and ruining a flat adhesion.  Does anyone out there have any recommendations?

Thanks so much.


>From the desk of
Baird Standish
Managing Partner
Facility Specialists, LLC
1616 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: 215-732-7505
Fax: 215-546-9160

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