Welcome partner in crime.  Just dont want Monte and me together in Las Vegas next month...LV will never be the same...lol  welcome aboard bud.
On a serious note..Monte knows his stuff when it comes to fabrication.

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Georgia Rivera <georgia@stonebuff.com> wrote:
Great! Welcome Monte!!!

Georgia Rivera
Stone Buff

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Troy Lewis <tlewis@stoneandtilepros.com> wrote:



I would like you all to welcome Monte Osterman to the group. He has recently joined with StoneandTilePROs as our Technical Director of Fabrication. We want Monte to be your go to guy with any and all fabrication issues you may encounter. Click here to visit our technical director’s page to view Monte’s impressive background. Monte has a lot to contribute to the group and we believe you will all find his advice to be extremely useful and informative.



Troy Lewis

Partner Support

StoneandTilePROs, Inc.


ph#: (800) 715-5313

fax#:(877) 715-2307




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