I agree with John these are great diamonds, However I have found that a lot will depend on the craftsmanship and experience of the guy or gal using them. I can make almost any diamond work, so it will be trial and error at times till you find the ones that work best for you and your machine and skill level. Start with the ones John suggested and if they work, than Im a fan of its not broke dont fix it.
Stephen ,
I highly recommend the Triple Thick diamonds from StoneCare Central. Not only are these diamond priced right they wear extremely well. I’ve used this pad for over 10 years and found it to be one if not the best. These are the diamond I currently sue in the school for training.
I’ve used these diamond on all types of marble terrazzo, limestones. I’ve used them on my walk behind scrubber and honed with these diamonds and they work great and more importantly they lasted, and the cost per sq.ft for these diamonds are around 2 cents per sq ft.
Should you have any other questions, please advise
John E. Freitag
The Stone and Tile School
Office 407-567-7652
Cell 407-615-0134
From: Stephen Webb [mailto:stephen@newlifemarblerestoration.com]
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 2:16 PM
To: Restoration and Maintenance
Subject: [sccpartners] Best pads
Greetings everyone, I've only used "Eco" and "Spinflex" pads and wondered which of all those types of pads you all think are the best, flattest cutting etc. Thanks
Stephen Webb
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