Hi all!

I wanted to give a quick thank you to John once again for his class.  Alex and I recently had our schedule flipped upside down with a few projects we have been working on (exterior and the weather delayed us).  As a result, time was very limited (and limited energy).  We worked on a hotel marble floor project Tuesday and Wednesday night and the next morning I received a call from the head of engineering.  You could hear him practically dancing with excitement over the phone.  He was thrilled with the outcome. 

The hotel really didn't think there was any hope for these floors.  We took John's approach to honing and polishing that we learned in his class.  What we thought would take 3 nights, took us 1 1/2 and the results as I said before were outstanding.  I will send you all photos as soon as I get them off the camera.  These were stones I hadn't seen before.

As a result, the hotel has now given us the rest of the stone and tile projects through out the building and routine maintenance.  Wooo hooo. 


Georgia Rivera
Stone Buff, LLC