
Work it the same as other stones, only go up the grits to 3500 or I like going to 8500 resin, then to a mild polishing compound, I’ve heard the white areas in the green stone are sensitive to hotter polishing powders. Then hit it with light pass of crystallizer. If you can wait till next day to crystallize its better, it lets the stone dry some.


 Also Good luck

Randy, Cleaning Edge


From: Majestic Stoneworks [mailto:ray@majesticstoneworksaz.com]
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 4:49 PM
To: Restoration and Maintenance
Subject: [sccpartners] green marble




Looking for advice on best process for buffing/polishing green marble floors and countertops.


Thank you for your feedback.




Ray Jones

Majestic Stoneworks



623-580-8895 offc

602-570-9821 cell

623-580-8897 fax



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