Hi All
From time to time, Stonecare Central will be putting out special notices, pricing on certain items. They have notified me of the following 'Blow Out' special and before the word goes out to all the pros that purchase from SCC, I wanted you to have first chance...
Blow out Sale
Ten Hi Thick Block Diamond Pads  3"  (50 grit and 120 grit only) ......... $10.00 each
Typhoon  3" -  50 Grit with plug....(plug can be easily removed if unneeded with pliers) ............ $10.00 each
A note from Margi: These pads are "good" quality. They are not our best are but they are very functional. We no longer carry this resin bond so are selling these at a greatly reduced cost to move them out.

Debbie Shaw
StonePro Solutions
(877) 715-5313