Agree with Fred,


For the filling material you may want to consider using a  clear  flowing akemi or similar product. The clear base product will pick up the colors within the stone and you would not be trying to color match the stone.

John E. Freitag


The Stone and Tile School

Office 407-567-7652

Cell 407-615-0134






From: [] On Behalf Of Dr Fred
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 12:53 PM
To: Restoration and Maintenance
Subject: RE: [sccpartners] QUESTION


Yes, this is jerusalem limestone.  filling should be stright forward

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Georgia <> wrote:

Is it Jerusalem Gold Limestone?


On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Debbie Shaw <> wrote:

Hi, I'm honing this floor and I need to identify the limestone gold tiles, any ideas as to what the name of this stone is? Also I need to find a fill to repair pitted areas and they want to do a color match that won't end up shinier then the floor. It is a historical floor so I'm dealing with some architects that are a pain, but the floor itself is a piece of cake, just trying to get as much information before  I see them.  Thanks for the help Phil


Phil Campbell

Campbell's Stone Restoration

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