Hi guys.
You won't see me putting my 2 cents worth in much in here because I am not a stone and tile contractor and I won't have much to contribute to your questions about job related issues. I'm just here to make sure you're all taken care of any way I can. But in this case, in the most recent thread several of you talked about Twister Pads, Optima Pads, etc. and where you can find them and it made me realize I have an important contribution for you.
On virtually any product you need, please go to www.stonecarecentralpro.com first. StonecareCentralpro.com is YOUR store. It was created for your needs. There are several reasons you want take full advantage of this benefit:
  1. Buying POWER. As a Partner, you get the best possible discounts.
  2. You should find all the products you need there. Products proven to be the best based on the collective experience and trial and error of our technical directors and our group. SCCPRO determines what products go in the store based on what we tell them. If you can't find what you're looking for or if you've found a great product that needs to be there, speak up!
  3. A small percentage of every sale goes into marketing you to the public.
I, too, have heard some great things about twister pads, monkey pads, etc. When Margi at SCCPRO got the word and got right on it. http://www.stonecarecentralpro.com/category_s/230.htm 
By the way, on that note, Chad at SCCPRO learned that a number of our guys like the Klindex diamonds, so he got right on that. Klindex diamonds are now available through SCCPRO at greatly discounted prices. (I don't think they are on the site yet, so call if you need them.)
John Freitag, through The Stone and Tile School, has made a commitment to test every product carried, and trust me, he's a tough task master. His standards of excellence are very high. Communicate with me, John, or Margi at SCCPRO, let's work together to make SCCPRO as great as it can be for you. If you have need of or know of any great product that should be in the store, tell us.
By the way, a LOT of energy and resources are being poured into the store right now. The site is being redesigned to make it easier to find things. Troy is working on getting a Partner Price Book to you soon that will have all the products carried by SCC and SCCPRO with pictures, what the product does with some comments from our Pros that have used them. (The first version might not be very pretty, but we want to get it to you as quickly as possible.)
A lot of testing has been done on the cleaning/sealing and other chemical products, both for you and your customers. I believe we have created a very impressive line of products.
Oh, on that note, we have some great ideas for how you can generate maximum revenues with the consumer products. More on that later...

Stone and Tile PROS, Inc.
(877) 715-5313 (option 2)

Have you visited www.stoneandtilepros.com lately?