Hi Guys,
Here is an opportunity to get your answer pubished with credit to you and a link back to your site. If you can, please provide a thorough answer.
Following is an example of what I mean when I say 'a thorough answer.' By the way I want to STRESS the importance and benefit to you of getting your answer published and a link to your site.  (The knowledgebase database will be moved to the new server within a few days.)
Suggested answers might look something like : (Consider my sample answer only an example and the "..." are where more info would be)
"Travertine for an outdoor patio table looks very nice, but it will present certain problems. Because travertine is a calcite based stone, it is sensitive to acidic substances. So, if acidic drinks are spilled on it, a dull, whitish spot may result. Travertine is also a relatively soft stone so harder materials may scratch it. If it is in direct sunlight...
To remedy your problem.... you may want to consider having the top rehoned by a stone restoration professional. You may want to use  an enhancing sealer to bring out color... Once it looks brand new again, if you really want to keep it that way, either have a sheet of glass fitted on the top or if you don't want to do that, here are some do's and dont's
DO use placemats under plates and coasters under drinks
DO clean up spills immediately
DON'T place hot pots and pans directly on the table top ..."
Send your answers to me directly (admin@stoneprosolutions.com).
On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 9:35 PM, Deann Ekstrom <deann@ekstrom.org> wrote:
I have a travertine patio table that sits in the sun.  Maybe it wasn't the best choice because my patio is in full sun but I can't do anything about that now.  The top finish has dulled, probably from the sun.  What can I put on it to restore it's good looks.  DD

Debbie Shaw
StonePro Solutions
(877) 715-5313