Try using traverfil or grout and adding a concrete densifier to it.  That should work but you could put a impegnator on it for the hell of it. Don't do it with just the impregnator, make sure you use the densifier

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 4:48 PM, Barry Raduta <> wrote:
hi folks,

this is my first posting/ question so be gentle with me.  i have a manufacturer of travertine sinks who sold a sink to someone in the Philly area and the sink has a hole in it ( .25 - .5 inch big ).  she is trying to avoid having the sink deinstalled and reinstalling a new one and wants me or someone to fix it.i need to know if anyone knows about a travertine hole filling material that will work on this sink (must hold water).  i am open to any/ all suggestions.  thanks.......barry

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Walter Nartowicz
Mid Atlantic Stone Solutions
4607 Fayetteville Road
Raleigh, NC 27603
919-772-2155 (Main Office)