When cleaning any stone surface I use a soft brush, usually the
black or blue brush. These brushed are aggressive enough to clean both the
stone and the grout and gentle enough not to harm the stone.
If you have a low volume pressure washing system with the
recover head this works well on stone also , caution do not use over 1200 PSI
and on softer stones you may need to be in the 900 PSI to safely clean the
Another thing that work well is use a 400 to 600 grit honing
powder along with your cleaner, I prefer a striper degreaser and use
approximately 2 to 4 ounces of honing powders for every 20 to 30 sq. ft.
The honing powders act as a scrubbing agent and really cleans
the stone
Hope this helps
John E. Freitag
The Stone and Tile School
Office 407-567-7652
Cell 407-615-0134
From: Roger Konarski
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 11:35 PM
To: Restoration and Maintenance
Subject: [sccpartners] Two Questions
I have two questions that I would appreciate
feedback. 1. I go through a lot of white pads. Does anyone have
any suggestions on getting more life out of the pads? 2. I need to clean a limestone floor. See attached
picture. I have my way of cleaning the floor with a floor machine. Are jobs
like this better handled with a hot water extractor? Thanks, Roger Konarski |
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