I have used this product from klenztone a few time with excellent results, its called DBX.


Good Luck
Randy, Cleaning Edge
Naples, FL

On 7/16/10 10:29 PM, "PBunis@aol.com" <PBunis@aol.com> wrote:

OK Partners, here's a good one for you. I have a customer who recently purchased a house. Seems that the seller didn't like the tile and grout in the kitchen so he painted the grout lines black. that's right, he painted em. on my test, I used Ultra strip and the paint came off so I gave her a price and got the job. After that, I found most of the rest of the floor impossible to strip with this product. It seems that before they used the paint, they tried waxing the grout and didn't care for that look either. At any rate, I tried a serious paint stripper which worked, but the methylene chloride burned my skin and I hated it. I have to go back on Tuesday and finish the job. Any suggestions on a product that will strip paint on grout without killing me ??

Paul Bunis
Xtremeclean Tile - Boston Stone Restoration
Specialty Stone Care

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