Mike ,
I agree with Fred , $10 sq ft is high, however what is the going
rate for restoration in your market, while this seem high to us it might be in
the ball park based upon your market place.
If I was to do this job based upon your comments the 20,000 sq
is like doing a lot of 60 sq ft section I would break the pricing down that way.
If your needed to do a 220, 400, 800 and a polished a 60 sq ft section it
should not take your technician more than 2.5 to 3 hours and that figuring a 65%
productively rate, this means 39 minutes out of every hour your technician is
working on the floor. My experience tells me that this is normal for most technicians,
once in a while you may get your productivity up to 70 % but that the best you’re
going to see. If anyone gets better than that they are probably getting calls
back or doing poor quality work.
So with all that being said the main part can be honed and
polished in let’s say 3 hours.
Is the mosaics polished? They appear to be. Can you when honing
get close enough to the mosaics that you would not need to hand hone? How much
damage is in the floor? From the pictures there does not seem to be much
damage and if you can feather into the mosaics with your floor machine then you
should have very little hand work.
Even if you had 2 hours of hand work you would have 5 hour per
section. This means you could get 1 ½ section completed per day or
approximately 90 sq ft per day. Can you put a technician on a job for $500 per
day. If so this brings the price down to approximately $5.50 sq. if you have 200
section of 60 sq @ $500 per day job is worth $100,000.
I think once you get started you would probably get more done
than the 90 sq per day.
If you can feather into the mosaics and do very little hand work
you can probably get more completed each day.
This is based upon doing 3 hones and a polish if you can get the
job done with 2 hones and a polish your productivity will increase.
Have you completed a test?? A project this large I would
recommend you do a test and see how long it take to complete the job.
I think based upon the size of this jobs and the contractors you
have in your market, this job will be won by the bidder in the that can put 2
to 4 men on the job and generate $350 per day per man which would generate
daily sales of $700 to $1400 per day based upon the number of men on the
If you completed 90 sq a day this job would take approximately
222 man day to complete. Of you had 4 men on the job you would complete the job
in 55 days if I could sell this job and keep 4 guys busy for 55 day @$1400
per day
That would equal $77,000 in sales
If I paid my technician $17.00 per hour X 8 hour per day =$136 X
4 men = $544. Per day direct labor. You material cost would an estimated $140. Per
day total direct cost $684 per day.
Your gross profit per day is $716. Per day X 55 day = $39380. For
55 days , the question is will $39,380 cover you overhead and still allow you
company to make a profit????
Hope this helps if you have any other questions, or comments ,
please let me know
John E. Freitag
The Stone and Tile School
Office 407-567-7652
Cell 407-615-0134
From: Fred Hueston
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2010 8:03 AM
To: Restoration and Maintenance
Subject: RE: [sccpartners] [sccpartners]
where is this located.. 10
bucks a foot is a lot and if its a comptetive bid im not sure youll get it at
that price.
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 4:12 AM, Mike Marsoun <nulifesc@bigpond.com> wrote:
am doing a bid, this is one of those “sink your teeth into” jobs,
large (20,000 sf) and very technical. The manager has narrowed it down to 3 of
us to bid. This will be interesting…
was installed by some Italians, then ground in place, the workmanship is
incredible. It is 10 years old and looks great, just some wear patterns and
scratching which the manager wants removed. He said it is being maintained with
Pro Glo, which is a powder imported to Australia from Spain I assume, as they
also sell the Coor-Cleaver machines and crystallizers.
about the best way to do it. The floor is broken up into hundreds of approx. 60
sf areas bordered by mosaics. See photos. So they will all either need
blending or handwork. Will be very labor intensive, like doing 200, 60 sf
floors, instead on one 20,000 sf floor. Also quite a bit of carpet
borders. Thinking I will have to be at least $10 per sf.
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Frederick M. Hueston PhD
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