I hate to admit this. But I have in the past 1st done 52B. Don't forget you really got to work that stuff. Followed by 5X and it worked! Also that was with EMS 5X.
As much as I like and admire Stone Care Central 5X, I've found that it is too hot for some stones.
On a side note. I had a new guy on his 2nd day popping glass shines on vanity tops using John's system. One top was a bottacino and another was a crema marfil.
--- On Wed, 8/25/10, Barry Raduta <barry@diamondstoneandtilecare.com> wrote:
From: Barry Raduta <barry@diamondstoneandtilecare.com> Subject: [sccpartners] black marble floor To: "Restoration and Maintenance" <sccpartners@stoneandtilepros.com> Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 4:22 PM
Hi folks, black marble is trying my patience these days. i am working on a large master bath floor ( only about 2 yrs new with primarily some etching--not many scratches) and have honed it with 220, 400, 800 diamonds and finished with 800 honing powder to take care of the picture framong. i did all of the hones by the book and timed all of my sections. i began to polish with 5x, but i did not like the shine i got after 2 sections. i switched to 52-b and it seemed better than the 5x, but when i finished, the floor was uneven---some tiles looked good and others looked unpolished. i went back today and repolished the whole floor with 5x and the floor is evenly done, but it looks a little cloudy on some tiles. i have done other black floors with great results, but this one is very large and shows imperfections. photos do not really show what i described so i did not include them. is
there any final step i can perform to show more shine? would color enhancing sealer add a consistant sheen to the floor? what about a poly sealer versus a water-based sealer? thanks for your help. -- Thank You, Barry V Raduta Diamond Stone & Tile Care 215-816-7689