I don't have any idea what the staining is but I have seen it happen on the same type of stone that has been sitting in a shipping crate, left out in the weather and this had occurred prior to installation. I had thought it was some sort of brown manganese staining but not sure. They ended up removing the stone and the stain does not go all the way through, it is just about 1/16 - 1/8 beneath the surface and only along the grout joints. I am pretty sure it involves moisture that is reacting with some type of mineral in the stone, but what I don't understand is that the grout also has the staining all the way through.


On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 12:32 AM, Fred Hueston <fhueston@gmail.com> wrote:
Rule number one in stain removal....ID the stain. you have any idea what the stain is, once you do than you can apply a poultice or the new Stain Sponge

On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 2:51 AM, Stephen Webb <stephen@newlifemarblerestoration.com> wrote:
Greg, maybe try a diluted ammonia poultice. I've seen similar stains and had some success.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:38 PM
Subject: RE: [sccpartners] Dark brown stains on limestone

the area is outside, about 100 sqft and I have tried just about every form of acid or flouride cleaner, and even mold cleaners. What seemed to work the best are the acids, but they just etch off what is on the surface and whats in the picture is what is left over. Also tried grinding but to no avail. The only thing I can think of trying next is some form of poultice.
fiAny ideas?


On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 2:21 PM, <info@restoreyourtiles.com> wrote:
You need to include more info like is this inside or outside, how big is the stained area, possible orgin etc...

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Cook <info@surfaceshawaii.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 11:29:00
To: Restoration and Maintenance<sccpartners@stoneandtilepros.com>
Reply-To:"Restoration and Maintenance" <sccpartners@stoneandtilepros.com>
Subject: [sccpartners] Dark brown stains on limestone

Does anyone know if these stains can be removed?

Greg Cook

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Greg Cook
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Frederick M. Hueston PhD
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Greg Cook
Surface Solutions Inc.

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