If I knew it was solid metal polished then I would grind it along with the stone otherwise I would tape it off and hand detail.
Tim - Classic Marble Restoration
Sent from Garminfone by T-Mobile.
Roger Konarski wrote:
>Still would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions on this potential job!
>--- On Thu, 10/7/10, Roger Konarski wrote:
>From: Roger Konarski
>Subject: [sccpartners] Floor with Metal inserts!
>To: "Restoration and Maintenance"
>Date: Thursday, October 7, 2010, 10:24 AM
>I have a possible job restoring a floor with metal inserts. See attached pictures. What should be done about the inserts? I assume covering them with tape just like granite. But I always find that after a few cuts the tape starts to come off. Be it gaffers or clear packaging tape. Curious on any feed back!
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