Hi Guys
This is just a reminder.
On the discussion group if you want to respond to a thread, simply hit reply. Your message will go to all Partners and will stay in that topic / thread.
If you want to reply to an individual DO NOT hit reply. Click on the individual's email address or enter it manually in your TO: field.
If you want to send a message to the group but it is a different topic (not to be included in an existing thread, do one of two things:
Click on Start a New Thread on the footer of any discussion group message OR send a message to : sccpartners@stoneandtilepros.com

Deborah Shaw
Stone and Tile PROS, Inc.
(877) 715-5313 option 2

"A professional resource and support organization for quality stone and tile craftsmen and their customers."
Have you visited www.stoneandtilepros.com lately?