The damage in the stone will determine what grit you need to start at. However it not necessary to use metal diamond on this stone. Use the triple thick diamond form StoneCare Central. If you are not removing any lippabe forget the metal diamond and use the resins. If the damage is not too bad you can probably start with 220 triple thick. Keep in mind the 220 diamond is going to remove any scratches or damage that would be in the 120 range.
Hone the floor up to no more than 800 and actually you should be able to polish this stone after a 400 if you are using StoneCare Central 5X Polishing Powders. I actually have this stone i9n my training center.
After you done polishing with 5X in you need additional shine you can use a #1 Steel wool pad and Crystallizer to add additional shine. Do not over crystallize. You only need a very little to go a long way.
FYI , I only have two different diamonds in my inventory for all marble based stone I use the triple thick from StoneCare Central and the other diamonds are my Granite diamonds from StoneCare Central thesae are the only diamond I ever use. You can spend a lot of money having different diamonds for different stones, get one good set ( Triple thick ) and use them and you if you have a proper grinding and honing system you will get great result every time. If you don’t have a system for grinding and honing you should probably consider a training class, this is our specialty training using a system.
Also the only polishing powders I use is the 5X powders zfrom StoneCare Central. Keep this in mind all so called 5x powders are NOT created equal. The other powders I use are the honing powders. Keep you inventory low with the product that work.
John E. Freitag
The Stone and Tile School
Office 407-567-7652
Cell 407-615-0134
Oh the other diamond I use are lippage diamonds, the metal lippage tools from StoneCare Central.
From: Jason Francis [mailto:jfrancis@marbleglow.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 12:22 PM
To: Restoration and Maintenance
Subject: [sccpartners] Agglomerate Tile
John, Fred and Gang,
I am looking for suggestions on restoring what I suppose is an agglomerate marble tile. (Picture attached). I did a sample polish on the back of a tile and compared it to the new tile, as I want to match the factory finish. I used 120 metal diamonds up to 1500 resin. The shine and clarity in the marble chips are great, however the resin in between lacks clarity, like the factory finish. It does shine good though.
Should I not have used metals diamonds on this stone? Could it have burned the matrix? A close inspection shows very little ripples. The lippage is not very bad on the floor, so I may be ok just with resins. Should I use a different diamond? Alpha Ceramica Ex for engineered stone? Will triple thick from SCC work well? What can I do to get better clarity in the resin part of the tile?????
Even though this work is for a large volunteer project, I want to be well equipped.
Thanks for your thoughts.
Marble Glow
Jason Francis
Sales/ Lead Stone Pro
333 Norton Road
Red Hook, NY 12571
845-208-8289 office
845-704-1654 fax
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