I hope someone may have some experence with this material, A city hall in central florida has about 1400 sq ft of this dark green bordered by a lighter "crema marfil" type light border, It was poorly installed with extensive lippage on every stone, its shows extensive wear, with some deep scratches where someone drug heavy fruniture. the city cannot give me a week to grind lippage, nor do i want to take metal discs for extensive lippage removal , nor do i want to spend nights for the next 5 weeks with 50 resins,and the city will not spring for full restoration.I normaly do not do maintance type work , mostly full restoration, any sugestions beyond a deep clean and severalcoats of a "floor shine hardner" like Stampede Gold buffed then regular maintance. This man made green stone scares me to death, any help appreciated.Scott ; Wilson Stoneworks Inc
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