Mark,  I don't have time to read all these emails everyday and they are loading up my email. Shouldn't this all be orginized on a forum, then a email sent only on the strings which you are active on. Can you get me off this, I am really not interested in bearings for a profiling machine, etc..  I would love to read some of these when I get time, but a website would be a much better place to go to get to them rather than several pages deep in my email account. Does not SCC have a forum for this. I don't get it... At this rate I have to write them off and delete.  Please advise.  Aloha,  mike

Mark Snyder <> wrote:
Stonecare Central Partners,
Just a quick note, I received a call form Abe Ramos at Exclusive Granite Workz today about the need for replacement bearings for his profiling tools.  He recommended a company named Bearing Direct (on the web at ).  He was able to find bearings in the $7 - $10 range as apposed to the normal $50 cost.
Abe also brought up the need for glues, adhesives and epoxies.  We are in the process of becoming a distributor for The Bonstone Materials Corporation and should be set up by next week.  For a list of product go to and check back with us for partner pricing.
Stonecare Central has greatly increased the selection of diamond tooling for both fabrication and restoration.  Take a look at the online store for new selections.
I look forward to further assisting you in the future and don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions.
Mark Snyder
Stonecare Central
919.863.9770 ex. 103
919.863.9761 fax

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