Hello Partners,
We've had some feedback, both positive and negative regarding our discussion board program. Most like it, some don't. There will be some getting used to this program, but it is so important for the lines of communication to be open and facilitated.
The most common complaint is the number of emails. There is a solution:
You can opt to be on DIGEST format which means you get one email per day with all the messages contained in it.
Also, very important. When you send a message addressed to sccpartners@stoneandtilepros.com  IT WILL GO TO THE GROUP. Please make sure any message you send to the group is intended for the group.
If you want to reply to someone directly, you must address your message to them. (Everyone should have as part of their signature, their name, company, web address and email address, so all you have to do to reply to the individual is to click on their email address.)