IF I can have a look with a  picture I could better answer the question.


Did you just redo the grout in the already etched shower?  I cant seem to picture the situation, where a customer had a beautiful marble installed (before it became etched) and never saw the stain.


But anyhow, if I go word for word to my understanding


The normal grout, Dr Hueston answered it beautifully, its already etched so I would have to agree,


Then you could wash it completely with the same acid to make it evenly mat.

Allow it to dry, and seal it with an enhancing sealer.  Result would be a honed, enhanced look.




If it is a epoxy grout, I had a similar experience and I used a mixture of a high alkaline soap which I mixed in a poultice and with the use of a steamer and was able to remove all the epoxy residue.

But my epoxy was only on for a month and variations in tile  ect


Again if you can forward a picture I could see more clearly



Anthony Masecchia

Master Stone Consultant


Marble Maestro tm

6615 Papineau

Montreal Quebec

H2G 2X3






From: Roger Konarski [mailto:qm144@yahoo.com]
Sent: December 5, 2008 3:53 PM
To: Restoration and Maintenance
Subject: [sccpartners] Poultice for Stain


What would you recommend to remove black grout stain from severely etched marble shower?



Roger Konarski

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