Hi Partners,

Customer has what looks like an oily/greasy looking discoloration on this light granite kitchen counter tops.  See attached photos. She requested a deep cleaning and sealing, however I'm not sure if just cleaning will do.  Any ideas about poulticing, what to use and how to, or any other way to proceed?  Photo 1 & 2 are shots of the same areas, one across the stains and one along the stains.  Photo 3 is on the left side of the stove.  Photo 1 & 2 area of discoloration is appx. 1' deep by 9' long and Photo 3 discolored area is 1.5' deep by 1.5' long.  The granite tops have no greasy feel to them, and the customer showed me the neutral pH cleaner she uses for cleaning them. Thanks in advance for advice.

Diamond Marble Polishing