That is kashmir white which is probably one of the most absorbent granites there are. It is a major poulticing job that may only yield mixed results.
I would send them a DIY book on poulticing stone and have them call us when the stains are gone.(you may never hear from them again!)
But that's just me-you may actually want to service them-let them know that it wont be easy and will take repeated efforts which may not be quite right depending how long the stains have been there. Anyway I would do the first application (40%hydrogen peroxide and diatomaceous earth.
cover with plastic overnight remove plastic and then let totally dry out. Tell the customer what he will paying you for each visit prior to begining the job-then show them every step you do. This way he can do a couple of applications on his own. I have seen worse so who knows sometimes people are happy if you get the bulk of it out but make sure you lower there expectations.
If you do come back to seal-you will need a few days to spread out the applications-I would consider using a couple of compatible sealers kinda like an economy one and a super duty one to finish it off. This stone can take a lot of sealer and time so make sure you let your customer know that it could be expensive. 

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 11:49 AM, James Billeaudeau <james@diamondmarblepolishing.com> wrote:
Hi Partners,

Customer has what looks like an oily/greasy looking discoloration on this light granite kitchen counter tops.  See attached photos. She requested a deep cleaning and sealing, however I'm not sure if just cleaning will do.  Any ideas about poulticing, what to use and how to, or any other way to proceed?  Photo 1 & 2 are shots of the same areas, one across the stains and one along the stains.  Photo 3 is on the left side of the stove.  Photo 1 & 2 area of discoloration is appx. 1' deep by 9' long and Photo 3 discolored area is 1.5' deep by 1.5' long.  The granite tops have no greasy feel to them, and the customer showed me the neutral pH cleaner she uses for cleaning them. Thanks in advance for advice.

Diamond Marble Polishing 

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Stu Rosen