as long as they test it or dyes, it should be fine and dont see why the design shouldnt work if fabricated correctly--On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 7:06 AM, <> wrote:
The only down side I see on Black Ab in a bathroom, relative to say, a marble installation, is that it wont etch or scratch making for less work for the stone restoration contractor. Other than that, I like what Stu said.In a message dated 4/30/2012 10:54:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:Hey-quality true black absolute is one of the finest stones on the market. I have polished black absolute kitchen countertops that my wife has been trying to ruin for 10 years.She has met her match as it is as shiny and unstained as the day they installed it.(never sealed- ever)If they deal with a good fabricator and they test their stones and do their homework there is no reason to settle or end up with a doctored slab.Even honed this stone is a good choice if you maintain it right by not using those insane cleaners, sealers and polishes put in the same bottle. Because it is a black stone it may need to be wiped off more than most but that is the only downside I see.On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 8:47 PM, Georgia <> wrote:
Absolute black is a poorly doctored stone and with the client having pets and kids and it being in the bathroom...I could see the maintenance nightmare ahead of her.
Kind Regards,
Georgia Rivera
Stone Buff, LLC
919.341.2873 Raleigh Office
910.730.1002 Aberdeen Office
919.609.5665 Mobile
1.877.664.4376 Fax
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Member of the Marble Institute of America--On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 9:41 PM, john jackson <> wrote:
what is wrong with absolute black? this is new to me..
From: Georgia <>
To: Restoration and Maintenance <>
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 5:25 PM
Subject: [sccpartners] Granite Design/Support IdeasHi all,I have a interior decorator who is working with a client of mine. They were going to use an absolute black granite for their bathroom design and I suggested that they stay away from the absolute black granite...we all know why. I gave them a couple other option that will go very nicely with their design. However, this is the new issue...They will have a new cabinet base with the granite but they want to extend the granite to go above the toilet to maximize shelf space but will still want to have the ability to lift up the granite in case the toilet needs servicing. I am thinking of plywood on the back of the granite and using Corbels. Do you think this would work, be stable and still give accessibility? The shelf area will not have a "base" to support it. I am not fabricating this...but trying to help give the client some ideas.
Kind Regards,
Georgia Rivera
Stone Buff, LLC
919.341.2873 Raleigh Office
910.730.1002 Aberdeen Office
919.609.5665 Mobile
1.877.664.4376 FaxOrder Products and view MSDS sheets for products herePrint a copy of our FREE CARE GUIDE
Member of the Marble Institute of America
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Kind Regards,
Georgia Rivera
Stone Buff, LLC
919.341.2873 Raleigh Office
910.730.1002 Aberdeen Office
919.609.5665 Mobile
1.877.664.4376 Fax
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