It seems like this topic has come up before.....
Same job with 2k of exterior white cement terrazzo......
Keep this in mind...The terrazzo floor on this job cost the owner $300K. The contractors put acrylic sealer on top everywhere, even outside where it is exposed to the elements. It looked horrible. I still cant believe they would put acrylic outside. Anyways, I have to strip it all off, run a grit or two and densify. Should it be sealed? with an impregnator? My gut says no, but the client is concerned with potential staining on a white floor. I want the floor to breathe. Any topicals worth looking in to?
Thanks for your thoughts.

Marble Glow
Jason Francis
Sales / Lead Stone Pro
333 Norton Road
Red Hook, NY 12571
845-208-8289 office
845-704-1654 fax