
Metal marks are a common problem quartz and granite. The metal is softer than the stone and it smears across the surface.  It can be removed using a polishing powder. Take some powder and a white terry cloth towel. Moisten the towel and rub the powder into the mark. It should disappear

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 3:16 AM, Roger Konarski <> wrote:
Thanks for your reply ! It is in the bathroom, so rule out pots and pans ! I was told metal objects like rings leave a mark. But they are able to remove them .

From: Georgia <>
To: Restoration and Maintenance <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 2:57 PM
Subject: RE: [sccpartners] Metal Marks on White Honed Quartz

Hi Roger,

My first question is, why are they rubbing metal on this?  Second question, what kind of metal is it?  Is it a decoration that gets moved around often?  If so, one option to prevent markings would be to place felt or other protective plastic item to the bottom of the metal piece. Metal can also cause rust stains and scratches.  Some man made materials can etch and take on rust stains.  Remember to keep the Moh's Scale in mind. Chances are the metal is a harder material than the man made surface.

Kind Regards,
Georgia Rivera
Stone Buff, a Division of Surface Buff, LLC
1201 Aversboro Road, Suite H-102 | Garner | NC | 27529

919.341.2873 Raleigh Office
910.730.1002 Aberdeen Office
919.609.5665 Mobile
1.877.664.4376 Fax
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On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Roger Konarski <> wrote:
I just received a call from one of my referral sources. They are looking for help on a problem. In a residential bathroom, honed white quartz (manmade stuff), every time they rub it with a metal, it leaves a mark. They can get the mark out, but is there anything they can apply that would prevent this problem? I don‘t think there is, but just checking

Kind Regards,
Georgia Rivera
Stone Buff, a Division of Surface Buff, LLC
1201 Aversboro Road, Suite H-102 | Garner | NC | 27529

919.341.2873 Raleigh Office
910.730.1002 Aberdeen Office
919.609.5665 Mobile
1.877.664.4376 Fax
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