Let it dry out and then hit it with 5X or crystallize it. Your always better going back the next day on just about any white or black marble to make sure the moisture is out.

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Tony Warney <tony@excelstoneandtilecare.com> wrote:
I'm working on a Carrera Marble floor.  I honed it with 220, 400 and then polished with 800 resin pads.  It left swirl marks, not scratches.  Almost seems like there is a waxy or oily substance in the stone.  It has streaks like a teflon chair pad would leave.  Any suggestions.

Tony Warney
Excel Stone and Tile Care

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Walter Nartowicz
Mid Atlantic Stone Solutions
4607 Fayetteville Road
Raleigh, NC 27603
919-772-2155 (Main Office)