I like the planatary head machines..but your going to pay a much higher price..but it will increase productivity
I use a Klindex Levighetor 600, primarily for concrete, but I am selectively using it for Terrazzo and marble with the planatario attachment. The upside - it really cuts if you have a rough floor or lippage. Also, it doesn't need much horsing around with the planetario attached - just point in a straight line and go up and back. The downside - too heavy for polishing (then you really have to horse it around), It is very temperamental, more moving parts and requires 220 power or a pigtail contraption. If you are using 9 3" diamonds, it can wear them out faster. I only use it with the planetario because, it is too cumbersome with just the pad driver. Also, some of my guys are just scared of the thing-too many moving parts, creates a racket when it throws diamonds, more things that break down and have to be fixed like capacitors, stripped threads if the screws come out of the planetario, etc.
I recently used it on honing 50 grit to 200 on a Tennessee marble floor and it really was efficient. Also used it last year on a limestone floor with much spalling and water damage-used 3" lippage discs at first and metal tulips at the beginning and, again, was very efficient and gave us a nice flat floor removing many defects. Have also used it on large terrazzo floors. I wouldn't use it much for smaller (under 1000 maybe) because it is such a pain in the backside to set up and move around.
--On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 1:09 PM, John Freitag <jfreitag@thestoneandtileschool.com> wrote:
Tony ,
If you want to increase your productivity if you are currently using a 17 inch floor machine then move up to a 22 inch pad driver and hone and polish with a 22 inch pad. This will increase your productivity by 30 %
This way you buy no equipment just buy bigger drive plate .
John E Freitag
The Stone & Tile School
Office 407-567-7652
Cell 407-615-0134
From: Tony Warney [mailto:tony@excelstoneandtilecare.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 12:47 PM
To: Stone and Tile PROS Technical Support
Subject: [sccpartners] Honing
We are looking to speed up production of honing floors to better compete with the market here. Would a Samich, Klindex or Cimex machine help? Any input would be appreciated.
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