I would figure out how many days it is going to take. Hi-rises, as you probably know, can be a pain. Access, waste water, unit below, etc. Also, moving furniture can always be dangerous. I am sure you are aware of this stuff so with all variables, maybe 3 days?, $4500.00 would be my neighborhood. Good luck

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Tony StoneBrite <> wrote:
Have a job app.1400sq ft of a creme color marble.Job was messed up by installer.He Tried to grind down some edges and put some waxy looking sealer on it.It looke terrible.The job requires to grind the floor down and bring it back to a polish. It is a high rise condo with furniture we must move into one room,finish open area and move furniture then start in other room.Customer getting a few prices and is ready to go. Looking for app.price in your areas.
Thank You in advance 
Tony StoneBrite Chicago

Have A Great Day 
Tony DiBartolo

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