

We are developing our own Stonecare PRO Signature Enhancing Sealer and are looking for input and testers.


Our initial feedback is the 3 things you consider when selecting an enhancing sealer are: 

We are looking for suggestions as to which sealers are being used and work the best based on your experience.

We are striving to have a complete line of products that outshine everything else in the market at the deepest possible discount for our SCC Partners and we can't do it without your input.


We also want to know what diamonds you are using. If there are any diamonds you find yourself using on a regular basis that StoneCare Central does not carry, we need to know. The objective here is to be able to supply the partners with all supplies and materials needed to get the job done at the deepest discounted price.


I would like to invite you to review the changes that have been made to in an effort to make finding what you are looking for quicker and easier. Some progress has been made, however we are still optimizing the site and would like your feedback on what you are looking for any suggestions you have for the StoneCare Central website.


Please reply with your Sealer suggestions, Diamond selection, and feedback to



Troy Lewis

Partner Support

StonePRO Solutions

ph#: (888) 452-0988




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