I have  owned restaurants, carpet cleaning, water damage and now a Stone and tile business. I have advertised in high end home magazines, TV and Radio, yellow pages,
direct mail and so on. With radio and TV it has to be continuous (repeat) over and over. It has to be tied to other marketing so that people are constantly being exposed to your name. It's a lot of money in the pocket of the sales rep. The best results, put your money into your website. Work your mailing list of past customers every month. Get out of your chair and continuously visit flooring store, fabricators, join groups that are in contact with the customers that you need.
Spent 10 of thousand and learned the hard way. Tony 

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 1:06 PM, Debbie Shaw | Stone and Tile PROS <dshaw@stoneandtilepros.com> wrote:
Hi Guys,

One of the Partners is considering advertising on local television and wanted input from other Partners that have had experience with this.

If you have any input please share your experience. 

Are you currently using this medium to advertise your company? If so, is it giving you a good return on investment?

If you have had past experience, what would you want to share with your fellow Partners?

What information/resources, etc. do you have that would be of benefit to the Partners?

Deborah Shaw

Stone and Tile PROS, Inc.
(877) 715.5313 option 2

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Tony Warney
Excel Stone and Tile Care