Any suggestions on graffiti removal from granite stairs ??

Paul Bunis
Boston Stone Restoration 

On Nov 10, 2012, at 8:26 PM, stuart rosen <> wrote:

Try the hp with the de.
I am sure the floors have had their share of urine but why couldnt it be rust.
Lower their expectations of a succesful outcome.

On Nov 10, 2012 7:16 PM, "propartner ken" <> wrote:
Hi Everyone,

need to poultice some urine stains in commercial restrooms near standup urinals
light color marble also doing restoration on same restrooms.

i was thinking of opening the stained area with 50 grit resins and then use the grey
diatomacious earth and acetone or hydrogen peroxide 40% by volume.

i would appreciate some opinions on these mixtures and anything thats working
for you

thanks Ken

Ken De Melis


617-699-4509 MA.

603-393-2776 NH, ME

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