WE charge 3.65 per food for clean and color seal some companies here charge .25 for clean color seal.


Use the tile cart with the seat and wheels for not being on your knees’ .



From: K. Hudson [mailto:klhudson16@comcast.net]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 2:36 PM
To: Stone and Tile PROS Technical Support
Subject: RE: [sccpartners] Grout coloring


I agree with Jme about the non sanded grout that is flush with the tiles. However to answer the question about the pricing here in Atlanta the going rate is $ 1.50 to $ 3 a square foot depending on the condition of the grout lines. On a job that size I would suggest bidding it on a daily rate which you could always work backwards and get a square footage price. With 2 experienced guys you should be able to color seal at least 1000+ sq feet a day! (Remember depending on the condition of the grout lines). I hope this helps.

Sent from my iPhone

Kevin Hudson

N-Motion Stone and Tile

On Dec 6, 2012, at 4:13 PM, "J. Palacio" <flooramor@aim.com> wrote:

I agree. On regular grout.


On Dec 6, 2012, at 4:01 PM, Alex Rivera <alex@stonebuff.com> wrote:

Grout perfect is the best product out there!

On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 3:50 PM, J. Palacio <flooramor@aim.com> wrote:

I have not had the best experience using the grout perfect on unsanded grout. Especially if the grout is flush with the tile.

On Dec 6, 2012, at 3:34 PM, "Pat Staples" <cpstaples@msn.com> wrote:

Pricing out a 10,000 sq ft granite and marble mix refinishing job, but they want the grout recolored also.

I know my pricing for the refinishing but my question is what is the going rate for grout recoloring mixed in with a job like this.


Thank you
Carl Staples
Classic Marble & Stone Restoration

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