Question does it have a sealer already. If it's a top coat you need to strip it (not a fun process on slate) if it's sealer with a inpregnator try an acid wash to diminish the efflorescence then neutralize. You might try a solvent based color enhancer or linseed oil and minerial spirits. This will not fully cure it but may make it easier to maintain. On a exterior installation it is almost impossible to eliminate moisture. Ask Fred if he thinks this may help. But do not guarantee the customer that this is a absolute solution and that you are just trying to make a bad situation more tolerable and easier to maintain and a test sample is highly recommended. Also if you are going to try linseed oil and minerial spirits ask for instructions since it it's not cleaned properly it will
become a sticky mess and rags that are used can become highly flamable.
Good luck, Bill Selik
Gourmet Stone Care
PS, If you are not comfortable with the job walk away these jobs sometimes opens a can of worms even when you fully explain to the customer the situation. Some customers only hear what they want to.
From: Fred Hueston <>
To: Stone and Tile PROS Technical Support <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2013 4:16 AM
Subject: RE: [sccpartners] Effloruescnese
I agree with Randy..sealing or enhancing it will only make it worse
On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 8:55 PM, Randy Frye
<> wrote:
Your question: What can I do to eliminate or slow down the occurrance of the efflorescence.
You would needto find the source of the moisture and eliminate it.
Sealing the stone on the outside as you mentioned and considering its condition with moisture, you may not want to seal it.
Elimination the source of moisture you may not be able to help and sealer may make the situation worse.
Good Luck
Randy, CEI Surface Pros
On Jan 7, 2013, at 7:01 PM, James Reese wrote:
Hello partners,
I have some outdoor slate that has an efflorescence issue. They need this cleaned, enhanced and sealed. What can I do to eliminate or slow down the occurrance of the efflorescence.
Thank you
James Reese
Dazzle Stone & Fiber Care