Did you try the 11,000 grit pad you have? 

On Jul 18, 2013, at 8:26 PM, Dayron Padilla <dayron@perfectmarblefloors.com> wrote:

I was feeling pretty lousy today, caught a bug in South America and been feeling it ever since I got back.  My guys were working today, and my dad also was doing a job as well.  It was a crema marfil full of veins everywhere.  He honed and powder polished the floor and it turned out great. While he was cleaning up and others were loading truck. He saw effloresence after less than 1/2 after he finished and it was concentrated on the veins of the crema.  After calming him down ( he was about to crystallize floor aaaaggghhhh) he said there was some efflorensence in only a small area before he started.

What has me perplexed is the speed of which the efflorensce came about.  Has anyone encountered this this quick.  The home was no where near the beach and it was inside the home ( we live in south florida )

I will go tomorrow to see the floor and keep you informed
Dayron Padilla
Perfect Marble Restoration
(305) 970-0213
Chairman of Chapter 7:
I.I.C.R.C./ A.N.S.I   S10 Stone Dimension Standard

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