Barry, I have had success with HG oil stain remover. It doesn't need a poultice because it goes on a paste and dries like a poultice. My caveats is that I have used it on limestone where it kind of worked too well leaving light spots which we had to re-color enhance. Might be a good idea to cut it with some poulticing material. 

From the desk of
Baird Standish
Managing Partner
Facility Specialists, LLC
15 West Highland Ave. Suite E
Philadelphia, PA 19118
Phone: 215-732-7505
Fax: 215-546-9160

On Nov 14, 2013, at 2:15 PM, Barry Raduta <> wrote:

Hi partners,
I saw some stains left by bacon grease (left overnight) on a new granite counter top and I am looking for some suggestions for the ingredients to use in a poultice that would be efficient and quick acting.  Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Thank You,
Barry V Raduta
Diamond Stone & Tile Care-South
Stone & Tile Pros

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