They are abrasive pads similar to synergy,twister,cps,norton,and monkey pads.
There are plenty out there with different types of compositions.
There arent many that can polish stone as consistently as resin diamonds and acidic polishing compounds. For us the vortex pads work well for producing various levels of honed finishes
and are agressive enough to remove etching and scratching using their lower grit pads.
They also reduce pictures frames. I use the word reduce because each floor can have its own issues with regard to lippage.
Nothing fancy here just a good tool for a refinisher to use to speed a job up and obtain predictable results.
For polishing I wouldnt recommend them. However we can use the lower grit pads on a job and finish with diamond resin pads and polishing compounds to deliver a highly polished uniform surface. 

On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 9:08 PM, Justin Cameron <justin@jmcstoneandtilecare.com> wrote:
Hi Stu
Was curious what the vortex pads are. 

Justin Cameron

On Nov 22, 2013, at 12:54 PM, stuart rosen <mail@stoneshine.com> wrote:

Make your life somewhat easier-hone the wall  with  vortex pads(black or red )(or similar) to remove etching and frames .
Then use 400 resins and or above and polish with whatever you like.
The fiber pads will get out the issues then use your resins so you can polish with clarity.
That stone looks easy to burn-I would go wet to dry with MB12.
Will make quick work of this.

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 7:16 PM, Perfect Marble 2 <dayron.padilla13@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey Gang I have a shower wall to restore. The homeowner used tile ex to clean.  The lippage of the wall will definite leave picture framing. Has anyone tried using honing powders From 200 grit to 800 and 5x instead of using diamonds Remember I need to get the tile ex stain and retain the shine

Sent by iPhone
Dayron Padilla
Perfect Marble

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Stu Rosen

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Stu Rosen