We have had good results using hi alkaline cleaners, rotary brush (nylon) and an extractor.
If there is anything left to clean switch to Klenzstone #3 or 4. That product is excellent.

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 2:49 PM, John Freitag <jfreitag@thestoneandtileschool.com> wrote:



When cleaning brick you can do it a couple of ways .

1.       I prefer to use a  alkaline based cleaner mop it on allow to work for 5 minutes take my floor machine and scrub the brick with a brush on my machine and vac up the dirt. One than one application may be needed to clean the stone.


2.       The other way is to pressure water the brick clean. Depending upon the surrounding areas you may still be able to mop downwith an alkaline cleaner then pressure wash off.  CAUTION – there are communities that will not allow the runoff water from pressure washing to run off onto streets, driveways or other areas that may led the runoff  water in storm sewers. Always check to see what restriction you may have.



John E Freitag


The Stone & Tile School

Office 407-567-7652

Cell 407-615-0134








From: Debbie Shaw | Stone and Tile PROS [mailto:dshaw@stoneandtilepros.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 12:08 PM
To: Stone and Tile PROS Technical Support
Subject: [sccpartners] Cleaning outdoor brick flooring


Hi Partners 


I am posting this message from Alcott Roach, our Bahamas Partner:


Good day all. Alcott Roach here wishing everyone the best from the Bahamas.
We were asked to clean some outdoor brick flooring and wondered if you have any suggestions on how we should go about cleaning them or what is the best method for cleaning them… we e-mailed the pictures to Doug, we hope to hear from u soon.



Deborah Shaw

Stone and Tile PROS, Inc.
(877) 715.5313 option 2

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