Stuart ,
Stone Care Central has a tile polish you can use , however it
you need something real quick purchase some Soft Scrub from you local store and
use your hand machine and a white or tan pad. If the ceramic tile you are
cleaning once the tile is cleaned it will look good.
If the tile is already glazed and has a shine on it anything you
apply to the tile is going to set on top of the tile, remember the tile are
already glazed and has little or no absorption, therefore anything you put on
the tile would be a temporary shine additive and after several uses of the
shower would disappear.
If after you give the tile a good cleaning if it make you feel
better use a paste car wax on the walls only, DO NOT use it on the floors. The Car
wax will outlast any other polish , other than the actual tile polishes in
The end result is giving a customer a finished product that will
last, we not wash away after the shower is used several times.
Recommend and Sell to your customer the StoneCare product
to maintain the shower after your initial cleaning.
Items to recommend the following products:
Spray Cleaner for Natural Stone and Tile
Pristine Soap Film Remover
Blast Mildew remover
The customer now has a clean shower and you have sold her
the daily care products to assist the customer in the proper cleaning and maintenance
of the shower.
If the customer is happy the reorder for the Care product will
become a recurring income for you and keep you name in front of the customer
for future business .
John E. Freitag
The Stone and Tile School
Office 407-567-7652
Cell 407-615-0134
From: Stuart Young
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 9:55 AM
To: Restoration and Maintenance
Subject: [sccpartners] ceramic tiles in shower surround
I am getting a client's home ready for the market.
She wants to spiff up her shower tiles. Usually, I use a white pad on my hand
held makita, with a little water to lubricate. Does anyone out there
have any other ideas to polish these ceramic tiles? |
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