Hi Joe,

We use post cards purchased from vistaprints.com and then I gather a source of mailing addresses by looking up the county property records.  This saved us a lot of money and I was able to target my customers and have more control over who received my post cards. I also like post cards better than letters because my message is in their face instead of having to throw away an envelope without seeing my message.  I also used a funny tag in the front saying, " WAIT! Before you throw me away..."  I like to do funny ideas to grab a person's interest...Even if they might not need my services at that moment they are still reading my message and then when they are having a conversation with a friend or family member they can talk about it and you never know...it might be something thier friend or family member needs right then.  My point is that I like my post cards to be entertaining, to the point and something that will stick. 

Also, I think ad ideas are available in the resource center.

One ad that makes me always talk about it is for a crab house here in NC.  The ad states, "I got my crabs from dirty dicks......Crab house"  I thought it was so funny, it stuck in my head.  That is what advertising should do. 

Also, if you want to save money by sending out your post cards yourself, you can create a database from the county files and use it over and over.  The initial building of the database is the only gruling part.  After that, it is just a few short clicks with mail merge in Word and you can do it each month without breaking a sweat.  It saves plenty of money that you can use on other forms of advertising.


On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Stone & Grout Meister, LLC <mail@stoneandgroutmeister.com> wrote:

I’m considering using postcards as a form of advertising. The company I’m looking at is Postcard Mania.

Before I invest anymore resources I was wondering if anyone has used postcards & what was the response.







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