To all partners,


The Stone and Tile School will be offering training on June 11, 12&13 on the use of the Cheetah Pad, Cheetah Pucks. This is a hand on training for the use of these pads on marble and granite floors and countertops.  We have 2 possible 3 spots available in this class.

The regular price for the class is $1695 but for STP Partners the cost for the 3 day is $1295.  If you are interested please email us @ or call me at 407-615-0134. The cheetah pad and pucks will increase your productivity and can reduce the number of cuts needed to hone and polish a floor. If you have customer wanting to go green these pads work well to deliver a green floor to your customers.


John E Freitag


The Stone & Tile School

Office 407-567-7652

Cell 407-615-0134

